Michele Clark High School Home

About Us

Michele Clark Academic Preparatory Magnet High School, a Chicago public school, is located on Chicago's West Side in the heart of the South Austin Community. Michele Clark opened in 1972, as Austin Middle School. In 1974, Austin Middle School was renamed Michele Clark Middle School to honor the Chicago based journalist, who was killed in a plane crash in December 1972. In 2002, Clark became a high school with the addition of the first 9th grade class, and now serves students in grades 9 - 12.

Welcome to Our School

The Mission of our school is to provide a safe and enriching learning environment where the whole student is nurtured and developed. Our teachers and administrators pledge to support the academic and emotional wellbeing of each and every student. Students will leave our school prepared with skills and knowledge that will give them advantages throughout their future educational and life experiences. Our rigorous standards challenge all students to rise to their full potential and become the best global citizens they can be.
Michele Clark High school
It's Always A Great Day To Be An Eagle!

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Event Details:

Date: Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Time: 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Location: Michele Clark Magnet High School


What a fabulous opportunity for everyone that can to participate in rasing money for Austism. I have the honor of being one of the C0-Chairs and im totally excited to show off our students and school with performances, participation in the walk and loud energetic cheers.

For those that can, please mark on your calendar April 26th (12:00 pm -3:00 pm) for the Walk-A-Thon.

No time to regiester than now.

Upcoming Events

Mission Statement

At Michele Clark, we work as a family to provide authentic learning opportunities to develop our students to make positive impacts as global citizens who think critically and interact with the world through inquiry, empathy, integrity, and creativity. It’s always a great day to be an Eagle!
  • 100% Graduation Rate
  • 100% Graduation Rate
  • 100% Graduation Rate
  • 100% Graduation Rate
  • 100% Graduation Rate

Who Was Michele E. Clark

Michele Clark was born in Gary, Indiana on June 2, 1943. She attended the University of Chicago Laboratory High School, Grinnell College in Iowa and Roosevelt University in Chicago. In 1972 she graduated from a new program at the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism created to recruit, train, and place minority journalists. Upon graduating, she began work as a reporter for WBBM-TV, a CBS owned station in Chicago. In July of 1972 she was named as a CBS News Correspondent. Her major responsibilities involved coverage of the 1972 presidential primaries.

She was killed on December 8, 1972, in a plane crash at Chicago's Midway Airport. She was 29 years old. The Summer Program in Broadcast and Print Journalism for Members of Minority Groups at Columbia University, from which Michele Clark graduated, was named in honor of her memory.

We Are...

Early College
Independent Schools Principals (ISP)
International Baccalaureate (IB)®